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Happy Heartbreak Birthday Festival – Part 3
The Caballeros
Carillion City Food Court
21 June 2024

Riding the energy that came out of the cave the self -proclaimed best dressed band in Perth, and therefore the most hated, rolled it up and bounced it down two-fold.
A five piece punk/indie/rock outfit they put on a dynamic show bringing Dr.Jake’s birthday in on a silver platter. The live music aficionado’s gulped it down and could not get enough.
The Caballeros have emerged from a hiatus and although they have been active the stars, or even fruit bowls, did not align in the recent until this fateful night.
And I picked my target well.
It was the Caballeros of old and then some.
Fresh, vibrant and juicy they played out of their skins and into the mashed up refinery of textiles that lead to a bloodied heart.
The majority of the set was from their latest offering, the whimperingly titled “The Last Gentlemen of Rock and Roll”.
In now way do these tunes whimper.
They grab you by the throat, slam you into the wall and throw you head over heels with a heartbroken soul.
By the last song the Zulu tribes were frenetic and so The General commanding, Jake Dr Green England, called for reinforcements to join the stage.
Battered and barely recovered The Cavemen rejoined the front line. Mach Pelican had yet to commit to battle but a few select members rushed up to plug the defences.
Together they fought a “Twist and Shout” rear guard action that will go down in history.
It was a set that went berserk !!
Set List: ‘Gimme Love’, ‘Illuminate’, “Want Me To Go’, ‘Brian Jones’, ‘Strict 9’, ‘Sister Midnight’, ‘Tranquil Eyes’, ‘Space Chimps’, ‘Caballeros Twist’, ‘Twist & Shout’
The Caballeros are:-
Jake Dr Green England – vocals;
Paul Bovenkerk – bass;
Chris Rowe – guitar;
Jason Mirosevic – guitar;
Nic Dudman – drums.
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