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Gidgestock 2024 – Part 14
12 October 2024
Louis Rebeiro & The Blues Machine

There’s no other words for it but the Blues Machine are exceptionally gifted musicians and Louis Reberio is a musician phenomenon. As a combined unit they are unstoppable.
Playing a had picked set list of covers from the Best of the Best (think BB King, Steve Ray Vaughan, ZZ Top, Led Zepplin, Chuck Berry, Jimi Hendrix, AC/DC, et al) they absolutely demolished it.
Kicking off with heavy ass rendition of Black Sabbath’s “War Pigs” the set flew past. Louis swapped guitars and went onto the sax at one point, getting onto the paved dance floor to mix it with the live music afficando’s.
As the sun set the Gidgestock festival went into Night Owl mode.
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